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Update 5/1/19: I will happily supply updated references upon request.


Rev. Rayna Hamre

- Former President, Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA) PSWD

"Jason brings a wealth of experience and education to all that he does. He is an extremely talented writer and speaker. He is thoughtful, intelligent, and caring. His extensive background will make him an extremely effective minister as he plans multi-generational services, works with DREs, and serves as a religious education advocate. He has preached sermons on youth ministry and RE, as well as on the need to support DREs in our denomination. He has shared this message at many churches in multiple states." 

Dr. Mark Hicks

- Angus MacLean Professor of Religious Education, Meadville Lombard Theological School

"Bright without being arrogant, talented without denigrating the gifts of others, and warm in a way that pulls you into his presence, Jason is destined for a long and prosperous ministerial career. I can't wait to see how it unfolds."

Rev. Dr. Lee Barker

- President, Meadville Lombard

"I approved the selection of Jason Cook as the recipient of one of Meadville Lombard's full-tuition scholarships. The scholarship was meant to convey the great confidence we had in Jason's future as a Unitarian Universalist minister. Since he matriculated as a Meadville Lombard student in 2011, his selection has been affirmed time and time again. Jason has shown himself to have all the qualities of our finest Unitarian Universalist ministers."

Rev. Tera Klein

- Minister, Throop Unitarian Universalist Church

"Jason carries a strong pastoral presence, clear sense of himself, and maintains professional boundaries. I am confident that Jason will minister to people across the age span. He offers a warm, welcoming face to Unitarian Universalism."

Rev. Dr. William Schulz

- President, Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) 1985-93

"I rarely find a new minister whom I can endorse without qualification.  After all, I have a reputation to defend.  But Jason has broken the mold. He is, very simply, exceptional. Exceptional.  If you have the chance to call him as your minister, do so.  You will not  regret it.  (And if you do, you can blame me.)"

Rev. Dr. Karen Stoyanoff

- Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim

"Jason is deeply spiritual, as evidenced in his worship leadership, his interactions with congregants, and his conversations with me. His sermons have always reflected a Unitarian Universalist theology in language and story that speaks to laypersons."

(In memory of Denny, who passed away in 2018)

Denise T. Davidoff

- Moderator, Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) 1993-2001

"Professional ministry is very hard work. Being an ordained minister in service to a Unitarian Universalist congregation is even harder work. We ask our minister to be a thoughtful intellectual, a prophetic preacher, a compassionate pastor, a riveting story teller for our children, a dynamic fund raiser, a wise and compelling leader – and, even if s/he walks on water, we reserve the right to challenge which water, when, why and the pace of the walking. Jason Cook can stand up to these demands. He is a bright star in the Meadville Lombard alumni firmament. I commend him without reservation."

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