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Rev. Dr. Karen Stoyanoff, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim


"Jason’s personality is positive, kind [loving], joyful, thoughtful, appropriately outgoing, and both gentle and strong when he needs to be either. All of those traits are a boon to ministry. He’s a good match for the profession he’s chosen. He has good interpersonal skills, exceptional articulation skills [eloquence!], and he is wise. His character is above reproach and I trust in his integrity without reservation."


Ministry at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fullerton


My time at UUCF was one of surprise for the congregation. Never expecting to grow so rapidly, they were taken a little off guard in nearly doubling in size in a few short years. For me, this has been a learning experience in recognizing the challenges that congregations face in preparing themselves for the future. As UUCF progressed from pastoral to program sized, we experienced all the growing pains one might expect during this time, but we also experienced a great deal of healthy responses and positive actions to move forward. I am deeply proud of this congregation and the work that they have done.

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